Friday, 14 April 2017

Reflection of the term

WRITING                 READING
This term what we                              This term for reading we have been
have been doing for writing                           reading the places we will go and we 
is using complex sentences                have highlighted the bits that we like and we               
and hook using                                   had to have a reason why.and reading for 20 mins.
action,thought,visual detail,               
dialogue and feature.                              this is me doing theses things. 

  WRITING                      READING              

for maths we have been learning about reading big numbers 
like 9,999,99 we have been also been learning about the
perimeter and the area.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

tapa turtle

                                                         Tapa turtle

This term Mrs Gibson White has come in and we have been learning about tapa and we had maths involved.For maths we were doing geometry,  symmetry and rotation. For that she put out these amazing tasks for us to do. These were the tasks: getting in line,wrap it up,cut it out, pattern pieces,circle power,one good  turn,reflecting on counters. I learnt heaps doing those stations.

What is tapa? Tapa cloth (or simply tapa) is actually bark but it's a special type of bark that comes from a tree and the name of the tree is the paper mulberry tree. This  takes a lot of work there is beating, peeling and most of all patience you need patients because it takes about 5 weeks to do the tapa or less or more.

I have been working on something for a while and it took patience and hard work. I liked how it turned out here it is